I’m very fortunate to receive a lot of messages from amazing people, but I can no longer read all of them directly. An assistant now helps select a handful of messages for me to look at. To maximize the chance of me seeing the message, please follow these rules (or account will be marked as spam):
- Pick most relevant option: Only use one and best contact method most appropriate for the nature of your message.
- One message: Only send one message, to one place (one form or one email).
- Forms are preferred: Filling out a form (when that option is available) is much better than sending a direct email.
The following are several ways to contact me:
Forms (strongly preferred)
- Feedback: Give me feedback & suggest how I can improve:
Feedback Form - AMA: Submit questions for Lex to answer on podcast:
AMA – Submit Questions Form - Hiring: If you would like to join our amazing team, please apply here:
Hiring Page - Coffee: If you would like to chat with me over a cup of coffee, please fill out:
Coffee with Lex Form - Podcast Guest Pitch: If you would like to pitch a podcast guest, please fill out:
Podcast Guest Pitch Form - Sponsors: If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor, please fill out:
Become a Sponsor Form
- Feedback: Give me feedback & suggest how I can improve:
Please do not email more than 1 email address nor submit both the form and send email. This will be automatically detected and deleted.
- Research: For AI and robotics related research at MIT and beyond, please email:
lex.research@lexfridman.com - Business: If you have a professional / business proposal for me, please email:
lex.business@lexfridman.com - Personal: If you have a personal / miscellaneous note for me, please email:
lex.personal@lexfridman.com - Podcast Guest Pitch: The podcast guest pitch form above is highly-preferred, but if you want to pitch a podcast guest via email, please send details to:
lex.podcast.pitch@lexfridman.com - Official High-Profile Individual: If you are or represent an official account of a high-profile individual please email:
lex.official.contact@lexfridman.com - Response to Podcast Episode: If you would like to comment, expand on, respond to, praise, and/or criticize a particular episode of the podcast please email:
lex.podcast.comment@lexfridman.com - Speaking Invitation: If you have an invitation for me to speak at an event or be a guest on a podcast please email:
lex.speaking@lexfridman.com - Bugs: If you find technical bugs, issues with website, podcast players, and anything involving code/software that you would like to report, these really help. Please email:
Please Note: Unfortunately, I rarely get to read these messages. It breaks my heart that I can’t read them all. I appreciate the support and love more than I can ever put into words.